Nelson County Historical Society
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Records: 301 to 350 of 1668
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Actions Title   Author
View Record  CD, Music (The Statler Brothers Christmas)
View Record  CD, Music (The Statlers Greatest Hits)
View Record  Cedar Grove School
View Record  Celebrate Heritage (Giles) Dorothea Lee Bowling Giles
View Record  Celebrate Heritage, Bowling, Stevens family Dorothy Bowling Giles
View Record  Cemeteries of Nelson County Virginia (2008 edition) Nelson County Historical Society
View Record  Certificate, Masons (A. T. Davidson) Davidson
View Record  Charlie Brown House Lee Dietrich, Photographer
View Record  Cherry Hill
View Record  Cherry Hill Lee Dietrich, Photographer
View Record  Cherry Lawn Tavern
View Record  Cherry Lawn Tavern Lou Southard, comp.
View Record  Chesapeake and Ohio engine at Afton. ca. mid-twentieth century
View Record  Child in peach orchard, ca. 1925
View Record  Children of O Dowell Fitzgerald (names unknown) Lynn Coffey, compiler
View Record  Children standing in front of Fleetwood School (1917)
View Record  Chimney remains of old Lawhorne homeplace Lynn Coffey
View Record  Christ Church, Norwood, ca. 2011
View Record  Civil War Reenactment (1995) Gary Giles, photographer
View Record  Clara Zink Coffey photograph Lynn Coffey, comp.
View Record  Class of 1927, Lovingston High School
View Record  Class of 1947, Lovingston School, poster of photographs
View Record  Claude Johnson, Dan Payne, Randolph Brown, and John Gordon
View Record  Claude Johnson, Mr. Amos (?) and James Tribble
View Record  Clay and Minnie Nash wedding photo Lynn Coffey, compiler
View Record  Clearing Branch Lynn Coffey
View Record  Clifford buildings Lee Dietrich, Photographer
View Record  Clyde Hughes with homemade lamp from 4-H Electric Congress
View Record  Coffey family
View Record  Coffey family cemetery Lynn Coffey
View Record  Coffey log cabin in Chicken Holler Lynn Coffey, comp.
View Record  Coffin made by Burton Chittum, Irish Creek Lynn Coffey, comp.
View Record  Coleman family
View Record  Coleman homes Lou Southard, comp.
View Record  Coleman/Seaman family cemetery at Rockford
View Record  Colleen School site
View Record  Colleen Schools painting (photograph)
View Record  Colleen, early 20th century (2 views)
View Record  Colleton Lou Southard, comp.
View Record  Color photographs of Stevens Cove and other locations (Camille)
View Record  Commemorating Camille Nelson County Historical Society
View Record  Confederate Veterans' reunion, 1919 Lynn Coffey, comp.
View Record  Confluence of Dillard Creek and Rucker Run 1
View Record  Confluence of Dillard Creek and Rucker Run 2
View Record  Constructing Humpback Rocks campground Lynn Coffey, compiler
View Record  Construction project at Alberene Stone, Schuyler, ca. 1940s
View Record  Copy of book "History of The Courthouse Town of Lovingston, Nelson County, Virginia" Catherine H. C. Seaman
View Record  Couple at Crabtree Falls, early 20th century Lynn Coffey, comp.
View Record  Covered bridge at the entrance of Icem Lawhorne's house Lynn Coffey
View Record  Crabill Home/Proffitt House
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Records: 301 to 350 of 1668